
sealed class Primitive : TomlValue


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operator fun TomlValue.get(vararg path: String): TomlValue?

Look up the value(s) at the given path in the receiver TOML structure, then decode them into the type given by the type parameter T. If decoding is not possible, a TomlException.DecodingError is thrown. If there is no value at the given path, null is returned.

inline fun <T : Any> TomlValue.get(mapper: TomlMapper, vararg path: String): T?

Look up the value(s) at the given path in the receiver TOML structure, then decode them into the type given by T using the given custom TOML decoder.

fun <T> TomlValue.get(mapper: TomlMapper, targetKType: KType, path: List<String>): T?

Look up the value(s) at the given path in the receiver TOML structure, then decode them into the type given by targetKType using the given custom TOML decoder. targetKType and T should correspond to the same type, or the behavior of get is undefined.