
operator fun TomlValue.get(vararg path: String): TomlValue?

Look up the value(s) at the given path in the receiver TOML structure, then decode them into the type given by the type parameter T. If decoding is not possible, a TomlException.DecodingError is thrown. If there is no value at the given path, null is returned.

As an example, given the following TOML:

[[ user ]]
name = "Alice"
passwords = ["password123", "qwerty"]

[[ user ]]
name = "Bob"
passwords = ["correct horse battery staple"]

A call to tomlDocument.get<List<String>>("user", "name") will return listOf("Alice", "Bob").

Nested lists of values may be flattened, if necessary to make decoding into the desired type possible. For instance, while tomlDocument.get<List<List<String>>>("user", "passwords") will return listOf(listOf("password123", "Bob"), listOf("correct horse battery staple")), tomlDocument.get<List<String>>("user", "passwords") will automatically flatten the list to fit the given type parameter, and return listOf("password123", "qwerty", "correct horse battery staple").

inline fun <T : Any> TomlValue.get(mapper: TomlMapper, vararg path: String): T?

Look up the value(s) at the given path in the receiver TOML structure, then decode them into the type given by T using the given custom TOML decoder.

fun <T> TomlValue.get(mapper: TomlMapper, targetKType: KType, path: List<String>): T?

Look up the value(s) at the given path in the receiver TOML structure, then decode them into the type given by targetKType using the given custom TOML decoder. targetKType and T should correspond to the same type, or the behavior of get is undefined.