
inline fun <T : Any> mapping(vararg mappings: Pair<TomlName, KotlinName>)

Configures a custom property mapping for the type Kotlin type T, where T is any class with a primary constructor.

Having a custom property mapping from "tomlName" to "kotlinName" for some type T means that whenever the decoder (a) is decoding a table (b) into a value of type T, any constructor parameter of T with the name "kotlinName" will receive its value from a TOML property with the name "tomlName".

As a motivating example, in a TOML document describing a list of users, it is natural to use the singular of "user" to add new users to the list:

name = 'Alice'
password = 'correcthorsebatterystaple'

name = 'Bob'
password = 'password1'

However, this makes less sense in the corresponding Kotlin type, where you would normally use the plural "users" as the name for a list of users:

data class User(val name: String, val password: String)
data class UserList(val users: List<User>)

A custom mapping allows us to quickly bridge this gap, without compromising on either our Kotlin naming standards or our configuration syntax:

val mapper = tomlMapper {
mapping<UserList>("user" to "users")
val myUsers = mapper.decode<UserList>(Path.of("path", "to", "users.toml"))

This also lets us rename fields in our model types while maintaining a stable configuration file syntax by simply specifying a custom mapping, all without having to add intrusive annotations to model types where they don't belong.

Note that mappings do not affect types which are handled by custom encoder/decoder functions.

fun <T : Any> mapping(kClass: KClass<T>, mappings: List<Pair<TomlName, KotlinName>>)