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inline fun <T : TomlValue, R : Any> decoder(crossinline decoder: TomlDecoder.(tomlValue: T) -> R?)

Convenience overload for decoder, for when you don't need to consider the full target KType.

inline fun <T : TomlValue, R : Any> decoder(noinline decoder: TomlDecoder.(targetType: KType, tomlValue: T) -> R?)

Configures a custom decoder function for the given Kotlin type. A custom decoder function is a function from a TomlValue and a KType representing a target type, to that target type. Custom decoder functions are associated with a KClass representing that target type.

fun <T : Any> decoder(kClass: KClass<T>, decoder: TomlDecoder.(targetType: KType, tomlValue: TomlValue) -> Any?)
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fun <T : Any> default(defaultValue: T)

Set the given defaultValue as the default for any missing members of data class T. Any time an object of type T is being decoded but the TOML document is missing one or more fields needed to construct the object, that value will be fetched from the default value.

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inline fun <T : Any> encoder(noinline encoder: TomlEncoder.(kotlinValue: T) -> TomlValue)

Configures a custom encoder function for the given Kotlin type. A custom encoder function is a function from some Kotlin value to a TomlValue. Custom encoder functions are associated with a KClass representing the source type.

fun <T : Any> encoder(kClass: KClass<T>, encoder: TomlEncoder.(kotlinValue: Any) -> TomlValue)
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inline fun <T : Any> mapping(vararg mappings: Pair<TomlName, KotlinName>)

Configures a custom property mapping for the type Kotlin type T, where T is any class with a primary constructor.

fun <T : Any> mapping(kClass: KClass<T>, mappings: List<Pair<TomlName, KotlinName>>)


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Delegate the handling of the given type to the given mapper. Overrides any previous configuration for that type, and will be overridden in turn by any subsequent configuration.